Thade Precht Playful Design


  • 2023 // Logo design competition by Logic Masters Deutschland e.V., 1. place for new association logo
  • 2019 // German Business Awards, award for TPPD as „Top Berlin Graphic- & Product Design Office“
  • 2019 // Das goldene Schaukelpferd, nomination for „Selecta-Beautykoffer“
  • 2018 // International Design Awards, award for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2018 // German Business Awards, award for TPPD as „Top Berlin Graphic- & Product Design Office“
  • 2018 // A‘ Design Awards, award for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2018 // Kreativpreis der Wirtschaft – Landkreis Fürth, 1. place for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2017 // European Product Design Awards, award for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2017 // A‘ Design Awards, award for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2016 // Das goldene Schaukelpferd, nomination for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2016 // Top 10 Spielzeug, nomination for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2016 // A‘ Design Awards, award for „DOCKLETS – Hook & Loop Toy Bricks“
  • 2011 // Kultur- & Kreativpiloten Deutschland 2011/2012, titular
  • 2011 // Businessplan Sonderpreis by Wirtschaftjunioren Berlin e.V., 1. place for „Modbird“
  • 2011 // Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg by IBB, 1. place for „Modbird“
  • 2010 // Ideenwettbewerb Jena-Weimar, 1. place for „Modbird“
  • 1986 // Seehorse swimming badge by DLRG, boooom!

Brands & Experience

Samsung, Vodafone, Telefónica O2, Air Berlin, Junkers, Sartorius, Phoenix Contact, Carestream Dental, Deutsche Stiftung Eierstockkrebs, Takeda Pharma, AstraZeneca, Tesaro, GSK, Artiva Sports, HABA, HABA Pro, JAKO-O, Heldbergs, Drei Magier, Selecta Spielzeug, HARIBO, Kleine Prinzessin, DOCKLETS, TOPP Kreativ, Helles Köpfchen, kilodesign, faireurope Deutschland, AVISOmed, Hartmann von Siebenthal, imageHOLDERS, Addject, Retief Krige Industrial Design

Skills & Expertise

Here comes the ultimate SEO keyword parade: brainstorming/ideation, conception, product development, product design, toy design, game design, graphic design/communication design, text, editorial. Complementary design research, design strategy, gamification, industrial design, packaging design, illustration, web design, corporate design, brand design, brand development, naming, screen design, user experience design, user interface design, project planning, project support, 3D CAD, rendering, model making, prototyping.

Ideation & Conception
Product Design
Text & Editorial
Graphic- & Corporate Design
Twiddling my thumbs

Space for ideas

Just like that ...

„Love Affairs“

2020 – present
I am a devoted member of the "Heldbergs Games" collective: Volker comes up with the stories, I create the matching game ideas, Chris does the Killerartworx, Artur coordinates the hustle and bustle – and Kuriko is the good spirit that hovers over everything. The result: Humorous and edgy games with provocative stories and plenty of self-irony, including a steep design approach and a strong taste of Japan. Currently Available: Eight games plus cool merch products and counting. If these lines didn't catch your attention already, well then go ahead and hit the following link ...
2013 – present
AVISOmed is a Berlin-based agency for medical communication, patient education and film production. From my playful point of view, these are rather exotic subject areas. Nevertheless, I'm more than happy to support the company in all graphic matters ever since it was founded. The reason is plain and simple: The owner and managing director is also the woman of my heart and the mother of our two wonderful children. A real "family business". Until today, hundreds of flyers, posters, brochures, roll-ups, DVDs, logos etc. have been created. And I very much hope for thousands more to come ...
With the label Knot*Knot, I used to develop, market and sell a wide range of extravagantly knotted electrical cables and DIY knotting products. While a cool online product configurator allowed for hip and modern mass customization, the actual knotting was oldschool handiwork made with love and sweat. The motto: put oyur cords on the table! The results: fashionable, bold and colorful. In addition, I created a series of successful books and bracelet sets for the DIY paracord sector and licensed the Knot*Knot logo to an international paracord wholesaler. Knot*Knot for everyone! It was a good time ...
Gained start-up experience? Check ✓ As a co-founder of the ambitious Gründl Precht Schöber GbR, I played a leading role in the development of an innovative, fully modular product system for electric guitars. A deep dive into the world of funding and patent applications, business plans, coaching sessions and investor pitches. Winning prizes, doing the extra mile, laughing, crying – we've had it all. In the end, Modbird failed due to a lack of follow-up financing – and possibly also due to our lack of professional experience. However, what a ride! The whole project was an invaluable learning experience for us.